Affiliate Marketing Testimonials

Affiliate Marketing Testimonials: If you would like to write a Testimonial about a product or service on this blog, or maybe you’d like to let me know about your overall experience on this website, please click HERE.

On this page you can read about success with Wealthy Affiliate, as well as thoughts of overall experiences in Affiliate Marketing.


tony lee hamilton testimonial

Erin is an amazing leader who not only knows the Affiliate Marketing Industry like the back of her own hand, she is also like the energizer bunny on energy drinks! Simply amazing with a wealth of knowledge, tireless drive and such a caring soul, I highly recommend that you follow and learn from her. Such a valuable asset to the Wealthy Affiliate community, a true Wealthy Super Affiliate! I have been a member at WA for 4 years as of 18 June 2015 & have known Erin as a friend at other sites on the internet as well. Thank you Erin for always Sharing & Caring my friend!

Tony Lee Hamilton


robert allan testimonial

Following a recent request from the owner (Erin) of this website to leave a comment/testimonial, I just had to have a looksee first. As soon as I started to browse, I could see the influence the Wealthy Affiliate training has had on her thought processes on how to create and build out a website that will actually make her money.

Make no mistake. The highest percentage of people who join WA because they want to make money from home fail within a few months simply because they do NOT take the training as it should be taken.

They think that after becoming a member they will create and build out a website, and then after a week or two they can sit back and watch the money rolling in. Not so people. Like any other job, whether it be a 9 to 5 job or you’re self employed as a butcher, baker or candlestick maker, you have to work at it to get yourself established. 

This takes an investment, and I don’t mean money. You have to invest time and effort and I do mean 100% focus, commitment and dedication in order to achieve your goal of being an online business owner.

Wealthy Affiliate will give you the training. They will give you the tools to do get the job done. Ultimately though, its down to the individual whether they are successful or not. There is no reason on the planet that anyone from any background cannot achieve that success.

I have been a member of WA since 2014 and my advice to anyone reading this is, if you only think you can at least you owe it to yourself to give it a go, and there’s no better place to get you started than Wealthy Affiliate.

If you decide to join WA, then you can be sure you will receive all the help and support you will need to be successful.

Onwards and upwards to that success and never look back.
Thank you for reading.

Robert Allan


kevin john testimonial
kevin john testimonial

Hi, my name is Kevin and it’s wonderful to introduce an online business opportunity to you.

My background is in law and I used to work as a lawyer for a bank in London until I got laid off work due to the company relocating to another country.

This proved to me that no profession is safe as you never know whether you will face redundancy or an an economic downturn.

This happened several years ago and at the time it was very disheartening because I had a mortgage and bills to pay. However, truth be told I never enjoyed working a typical 9 to 5 job with the daily commute and office politics. I was always thinking that there had to be much more to life than just answering to a boss for the next 40 years and then hoping there was enough money put aside to enjoy my retirement.

I started researching income opportunities online and found several which enabled me to work from home around my family. I have since been working full-time online and it’s been a real blessing.

One such opportunity which as truly changed my life is with Wealthy Affiliate.

I joined them for free back in March 2014 and quickly upgraded to their Premium membership when I saw their outstanding training, tools, support and community.

As soon as I joined, I was welcomed online by the co-founders who continue to offer me support right up to this present day.

I went through their Affiliate Bootcamp course and was fortunate to qualify for their WA Las Vegas Conference for the last 5 years in a row. I have qualified again for their Las Vegas Conference which will take place in early 2020.

It does take working smart when going through their training and there is no rush to complete all the lessons. It’s better to take your time absorb the information and if you get stuck at any stage then ask questions. The WA community is very helpful and there are live chat and site support features to help you too.

I can’t recommend Wealthy Affiliate highly enough so if you’re looking to build a successful online business then take a look at what they have to offer!

Kevin John


eddy salomon testimonial
eddy salomon testimonial

Prior to joining WA I tried a lot of different ways to make money at home; surveys, MLMs, work at home jobs, etc. I had some limited success, but none of it felt like a true game changer. I continued to be scammed and over charged for other training that offered a fraction of what WA provided. Needless to say I was jaded by the time I arrived here. But all that changed when I logged in and experienced the community, tools and training. It finally felt like I found the key to success and it wasn’t based on a short term fad or a loophole.

I felt like I found a new family that had the same goals as I did. They all wanted me to succeed and were actually willing to help me. It was a stark difference than being on forums where you were made to feel stupid for asking questions.

It’s been over a decade since joining WA and it has helped me achieve financial and personal freedom that a job could never provide me. At one point my wife and I were able to quit our jobs, buy our dream home and travel the world with our daughter as a result of the business WA helped me build. But it wasn’t all sweet. At one point I fell for the shiny new object syndrome. So I strayed from what WA taught and suffered a massive lost in my business.

I was ready to give up. But the owners Kyle & Carson would have none of that. They encouraged me to push forward and literally helped me do that. As a result, I have a thriving business again. My financial and personal freedom have been regained. It’s a testament to the WA community. Furthermore, it illustrates the commitment Kyle and Carson have to their members. Although I don’t feel like a member anymore. At this point I view Kyle and Carson as friends that I respect from a personal and business standpoint. Over the decade I’ve seen WA evolve in some wonderful ways. It seems like they’re never satisfied and continue to push the envelope to help members succeed. As long as you’re willing to work hard, then WA can help you achieve your goals. I’m living proof of that. Here’s to another decade of success for all of us!

Eddy with a y


michael mortimer testimonial

I have been with “The Wealthy Affiliate” program going on ten months. Yes, I did join to make the quick dollar. This did not happen.

What I got from WA was priceless. Here was a program with all the tools, video tutorials, site support and to me most importantly community support. I had no idea about building a website and actually making it functional. Well I am the proud owner of my own site. A great achievement for me as I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to the Internet.

I have tried several other programs and have lost a significant amount of money. That is all in the past. With WA I made an investment as opposed to purchasing a program. My investment pays me everyday with knowledge, a community now 1.2k large where I finally feel like I belong.

I am sure once I learn everything I need to know, I will achieve financial success. I have no doubts in my mind. WA has become an intricate part of my life. I thank everyone in this program and will be grateful for all I have learned.

Erin is an inspiration to me and I am honored to offer my testimonial here today. She is the definition of success in my eyes.

Thank you

Michael Mortimer


I created a video review for this website, this is a brief overview of the contents. First, a healthy list of positive attributes, then 2 suggestions to improve. Then the quick summary, that I have a strong testimonial for the motivation and great endeavors of HEN Affiliates. I am proud to say I recommend this site. The Video Review is below. Thank you & kind regards, Nurse Becca -R. Nixon, RN, CLNC

HEN Affiliates Video Review

Nurse Becca -R. Nixon, RN, CLNC

2 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing Testimonials”

  1. Erin, Your ad says:’


    Get Both Now for just $9.73.

    Limited Time Offer!

    Original Price: $29.99 (Over 50% Savings!)

    Act Now and Also Receive My Email Series

    with Step-By-Step Full Instructions!

    But my receipt says I only purchased the MMO Guide. I want the


    Thank You

    PS How do I get this MMO Guide and ONLINE TRAINING COURSE?

    • Hello Linda and thank you for purchasing my MMO Guide! The directions were in the “Thank You” page after purchase. So, you should have received an email from me to Confirm Your Subscription. After confirming it, you will immediately receive another email with the title, “Here is Your Guide from HEN Affiliates.” This email will have the link to the Guide, as well as the link to my Online Training Guide. There will then be a series of 6 emails (one each day) that begin on the following day (DAY ONE, Getting Started.) Please let me know if you have received your Confirmation email and MMO Guide. Check your Spam folder if you haven’t, and add to your white list.

      I know you will enjoy learning all the information stuffed into these references!

      Erin :)!


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