The Simplest Ways to Survive Google’s Newest Algorithm Changes

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what is a google algorithm

What is a Google Algorithm?

What is a Google Algorithm? Back in 2019, Google published advice for SEOs on how to work throughout their algorithm changes.

However, what most people aren’t aware of is that Google doesn’t only update their algorithm each year, but they publish amazingly more changes on a pretty consistent basis! Interestingly, to give you an idea of how often they make changes, there have been 3,200 algorithm changes in only one year’s time. Yes, that’s a huge amount!

Needless to say, you must now be focusing on making your website cooperate with what Google’s goal is. And, don’t focus on just one algorithm shift that may happen.


Regardless of most of their announcements, Google is quite unclear as to what’s going on. Yes, they say to keep your mind on content. So, they offered a list of questions to ask yourself in regard to your exsisting and new content.

Wait, did I tell you that Google was unclear? Yes, well, with this in mind I have decided to break down each question in layman’s terms for a more clear understanding.


“Does the content provide original information, reporting, research or analysis?”

Here, Google is looking for fresh, new content. And, since there are over a billion blogs online, there tends to be a ton of stale and overused topics and posts that duplicate over and over.

“Does the content provide a substantial, complete or comprehensive description of the topic?”

In other words, when someone does a search, Google wants them to find what they’re looking for with a minimul amount of work involved. So, they shouldn’t have to go to many different sites to get their questions answered. Logically, posts that are thorough, to the point and answer ALL parts of the searcher’s query have a greater chance of ranking high.

Yes, if you write short and scarce content, the user will have to go to another website to learn more. And, you may risk a lower rank on the search engines.

“Does the content provide insightful analysis or interesting information that is beyond obvious?”

Okay, so does your content have a broader range of data than competitor’s sites? Here, of course you need to take a leap forward and provide extra-high quality content, and maybe include some personal thoughts as well. In fact, anything you could add that would make your post unique, insightful, extremely interesting and helpful to your reader is ideal!

“If the content draws on other sources, does it avoid simple copying or rewriting those sources, and instead, provide substantial additional value and originality?”

So, definitely don’t copy and paste another’s content and link to them—then simply add a couple extra lines of input. No, if you reference another’s content, you must conclude with your own opinions and make sure most of the words are helpful and genuine.

“Does the headline and/or page title provide a descriptive, helpful summary of the content?”

Truly, your headline is what will or won’t earn clicks! So, it needs to be catchy and appealing, centered with keywords around your topic. Yes, the user experience should be top notch from your heading, right down to your last word! Plus, the heading should, of course, summarize your content.

“Does the headline and/or page title avoid being exaggerating or shocking in nature?

Yes, people, Google can detect if you are using “clickbait,” which will cause a high bounce rate. So, don’t trick your viewers. Instead, choose topics that will draw interest and intrique.

“Is this the sort of page you’d want to bookmark, share with a friend or recommend?”

Interestingly, the first thing you will want to do is focus soley on your customer, making them become glued to your content, product or service. So, Google ranks brands more than SEO.

“Would you expect to see this content in or referenced by a printed magazine, encyclopedia or book?

Here, Google is telling you to put your full passion into your writing, and not just write for the sake of writing. Furthermore, love your work and be proud of it. Also, write from your heart, making it the utmost high quality content.


“Does the content present information in a way that makes you want to trust it, such as clear sourcing, evidence of the expertise involved, background about the author or the site that publishes it, such as through links to an author page or a site’s About page?”

Wow, that’s a mouthful! However, the most important thing you should do is consider yourself an expert when you cite your sources and write your information. Plus, in order to let your reader know you are an expert, you should have your name on each page and a link to your “Bio” or “About” page.

“If you researched the site producing the content, would you come away with an impression that it is well-trusted or widely-recognized as an authority on its topic?”

Okay, when creating your website and writing trustworthy content, it must show your brand as being authoritative. And, gaining more traffic will be a direct result. So, go the extra mile to produce thorough research in order to top your competition.

“Is this content written by an expert or enthusiast who demonstrably knows the topic well?”

Well, I could surely do full and precise research and write about politics without being a politician. Evidently, it may be more obvious and somewhat less passionate. However, if you have some knowledge about what you’re researching, chances are that it would “demonstrate” that you know the topic well.

“Is the content free from easily-verified factual errors?”

Of course, only spammers write fake news or content that is untrue and misleading. Yes, writing false information gives Google an immediate red light! In turn, this could ruin your whole website and label you as untrustworthy.

“Would you feel comfortable trusting this content for issues relating to your money or your life?”

Yes, a great question! So, when someone visits your website, will they continue to read your content, or move on to another site for more information? Well, if they exit, it means that they quite possibly haven’t developed trust for your site. And, they need more quality content to read in order to be completely satisfied.

“If someone does a search on Google and lands on your site, what will happen if they read your content?”

Well, I think this question is pretty obvious. So, if a searcher lands on your site and doesn’t get all their questions answered, they will leave. However, you need to have an interesting post that will relate to how they are feeling and why they are feeling that way. Again, a developing trust issue. So, show the reader why you are credible.


“Is the content free from spelling or stylistic issues?”

This, people, is super important to me, and to Google! So, make darn sure your grammar and spelling are spot on—Do NOT make any mistakes! Furthermore, your content should flow when reading it. Yes, make sure it is easy to read, not only with flowing words, but in regard to colors, as well. For example, bright fonts on a light background is a no no.

Yes, you must also take time to proofread! So, good grammar and spelling, as well as videos, graphics, images, etc., all must be professional and neat. Needless to say, this will give your user an overall great experience!

“Is the content mass-produced by or outsourced to a large number of creators? Or, is it spread across a large network of sites so that individual pages or sites don’t get as much attention or care?”

Yes, this is a tough one. So, to put it in a nutshell, Google wants one post to completely answer all questions a searcher has. For example, if someone comes to your site searching for an answer, only to be linked off from your content to a handful of other sites and taken elsewhere, they aren’t going to have an ultimate experience.

“Does the content have an excessive amount of ads that distract from or interfere with the main content?”

Well, this question has to do with loading times and ruining the user experience. Commissions shouldn’t be the main focus of your website. Furthermore, multiple ads tend to cause the reader to view away from the content and become unfocused. With this in mind, make sure you are keeping your users focused on solving their challenges.

“Does content display well for mobile devices when viewed on them?”

Commonly, a huge percentage of searches on Google are from mobile devices. With this in mind, you must make sure your content is mobile / tablet friendly.


“Does the content provide substantial value when compared to other pages in search results?”

This means, when ranking for a keyword, scope out the first ten links of the search on page one. And, see if your content is more credible than the posts currently ranking. So, you must create content of higher status. Meaning, Google won’t boost you up if it’s not.

“Does the content seem to be serving the genuine interests of visitors to the site or does it seem to exist solely by someone attempting to guess what might rank well in search engines?”

Interestingly, this question tends to be true of us all. Don’t write to rank up on the searches. Instead, write about what interests you. Chances are, if it interests you, your words will be of high quality and it will also interest your visitors. So, let your main focus be on the passionate and personal side, and not just a lot of meaningless jibber jabber.


What is a Google Algorithm?

With their new algorithm changes, Google also spoke of their “quality guidelines.”

It’s true, the Google algorithm doesn’t quite comprehend content the way people do. In fact, it’s quite the contrary. And, it’s all centered around relevancy.

Yes, producing relevant content for your website is a real algorithm pleaser! Furthermore, making it as an entrepreneur is centered around what drives you, the kinds of things you enjoy writing about, and pushing forward on a daily basis.

Remember, Google wants everyone to be happy with their search results. So, they are always watching closely to see such signals as:

  • going to the next listing by pushing the back button
  • click through rates
  • time spent on each website
  • credible content
  • loading times
  • amount of ads
  • presentation
  • helpful links
  • genuine sincerity

So, people, instead of putting all your attention on SEO, simply focus on the visitors. Plus, create value for each post you write. After all, we must remember that by doing all these proper things, it will allow Google to recognize you sooner than later. And, you’ll be ahead of the competition game!

Google’s last May, 2020 core update is now complete: Go here for information.


What is YOUR take on the newest Google algorithm changes? Do you agree with their methods of mind? Feel free to form a discussion below in the comments.

Use the Mobile Friendly Checker to see if your website is compatible on a mobile view.

Also read:


H. Erin Nelson

What is a Google Algorithm?


what is a google algorithm
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6 thoughts on “The Simplest Ways to Survive Google’s Newest Algorithm Changes”

  1. Google algorithm, well the work algorithm probably throws some fright into the hearts and minds of many a reader.

    The common theme is new, fresh, original, unique content, not easy, but if you speak from your own hymn book, very achievable.

    Clickbait is a cool word and so so relevant to this discussion, as the authenticity of your content and writing will play a big part in whether you get the types of clicks you want or just passers by.

    • You pose a fabulous point here, Shane! When abiding by the rules of Google, the type of “clickers” you get on your site will hugely depend on the quality of content you are putting forth. Making your website more authentic and trustworthy has a direct affect on long-time “dwellers.” Great point and thanks for your input!

      Erin :)!

  2. Thank you for breaking down google’s questions in depth so they are easier to understand. I learned a lot from this post and I now know what changes I need to make to my own website. Your writing is very professional and thorough and I benefitted from it! I also appreciate how you linked insightful posts at the bottom of your post so its easy for the reader to navigate your site. Well done!

    • It’s great to have you drop by with your insight, Sarah! I’m happy to be of help to you! No matter how many times in the future Google changes it’s algorithm, you can always ask yourself these mainline questions and apply the knowledge of them to your site. I wish you much success!

      Erin :)!

  3. This is valuable information thank you. Google is a fickle beast. With the lion’s share of search engine traffic it has the ability to make or break a website. Algorithms are both impressive and vexing. So much time is put into building a website that if an algorithm works to downgrade that hard work it can be frustrating. That’s why it’s always excellent to find good advice on Google algorithm changes like the ones you’ve provided. It looks like it’s all about content again and I will save your post to keep in mind, thank you so much!

    • Thank you so much for your reply! Yes, to avoid frustration and headaches in the future, it is essential to abide by Google’s current algorithm advice. Content Relevancy always wins out! I appreciate your input and take on this. All the best to you!

      Erin :)!


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