Entrepreneur: 33 Things About the Author That Will Make You Smile

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Hello! My name is H. Erin Nelson and I welcome you to my website!

CREDENTIALS: Honors and Awards, H. Erin Nelson

The purpose of this website branches out in a couple different directions. It is a platform for my Personal Case Study, as well as a place to stir up life motivation, strengths, self-worth, determination, stamina, confidence, encouragement and perseverance.

I live with a positive attitude that spills out on others whom I am acquainted with. I would love to offer you a place very similar to this site where one can go to find viral excitement—This place is included in my Personal Case Study.

$50,000 a month: A Year-Long Case Study



My personal journey of becoming established in life.

First, let me tell you a little about myself. I’m a mother, an Ordained Minister, Published Children’s Author (Bibletoons series), Web Designer (WorldHorizons Web), Online Affiliate Marketer and Owner (HEN Affiliates) and Entrepreneur. I love life and have a true passion for exploring all it has to offer! I quite often become deeply intrigued in my writing and web designing, as I enjoy it so intensely. Also, I love a good challenge, and reaching my goals in my work and in life is what I’m always striving for.

Accomplishment takes root through happiness & contentment, passion & perseverance, and faith & integrity. I’m thankful for the opportunities to pursue my purpose.

online business entrepreneur

My Story

With all the negativity surrounding us at every turn in the world, I wanted to set out to make a difference—no matter how big or small that difference was. Positive change takes place with one act of random kindness at a time. So, I decided to focus my energy on designing websites and reaching out to millions of others who wanted to make a positive life change both financially and mentally.

My thought is to gather eager and earnest individuals together and offer motivation in making a thrilling change in their lives that would allow them to enjoy life, seeking  their utmost fulfillment.



Once you join my study, you will be taken to various blogs for direction and guidance. It will be an experience that you most certainly may want to take part in.

This is exactly what it says it is—a PERSONAL Case Study to prove the possibility of earning $50,000 each month in one year. I will be accomplishing tasks in building the strong foundation of a successful business. It is totally free to become part of and follow along, whether as an onlooker or a participant. It will be a time of conversing and dwelling within a community of almost 2 million within the platform, and hundreds or more generating interest in my study. They are people like you and me, from all over the entire world, who are seeking a better way of life.

I will be able to reflect on the tasks at hand and offer help, suggestions and guidance to each person along the way.

I am very excited about this current challenge and foresee much positive energy ingited throughout already, as hundreds have come on board!



I love leading groups to great accomplishments with leadership, and have had much prior experience and success doing so in the past.



MMO Guide

Act now and also receive my ONLINE TRAINING BOOK and 6-day EMAIL TRAINING SERIES!

Online Training Book

I love getting people excited and positive about life! Taking on a new venture is as exciting as it gets! I believe that life is exactly what you make it, and that everyone should experience a sense of freedom and enjoyment for both themselves and their families.

Think of how much better the world would be if more were happy and enjoying their time on this planet! It’s hard to wrap your head around, but it would be AMAZING, wouldn’t it?!

You’re welcome to read my encouraging blogs on this site, and I look forward to seeing you inside my study!

$50,000 a month: A Year-Long Case Study


I have also written 339 motivational blog posts that you will also have access to inside my Personal Case Study. However, you can view 199 of them on this site.


Every feedback or comment enhances this site! Thank you for your stories!

All the Best,

H. Erin Nelson, HEN Affiliates

MY CREDIBILITY–Status Rank of AMBASSADOR: Top 25 in company of almost 2 million members, and the member rate is rapidly increasing daily!) I was #4 below the leaders for over 150 days.

Here is a screenshot of my profile at Wealthy Affiliate. Click to read more!


ENOUGH! 2020 Ultimate MMO Guide (for Money Seekers)

Please share your comments below. I would love to hear your thoughts!