11 Simple Tips on How to Create a Business Website for Free

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how to create a business website for free
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How to Create a Business Website for Free. Yes, at the forefront of each and every successful “Service” business are satisfied and happy customers! And, the reason? Of course, attractive and precise web design and project management. Because, when you have these, you have:

  • Content clients that will do repeat business
  • Ongoing revenue
  • New business referrals
  • Less stress
  • Better client experiences
  • Profitable sales
  • Improved business relationships
  • …and more financial freedom!

Are you ready to find out how to create a business website for free?

how to create a business website for free
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Needless to say, there are so many elements that go into creating a great site. Like, improving traffic and producing happier customers. So, here are eleven (11) tips that I have come up with from experience in order to produce a successful goldmine of a website: Thus, how to create a business website for free.

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1. Give Your Visitors a Unique Experience With a Professional-Looking Website:

So, you’ll want to design your new website in such a way to make it more appealing and user-friendly to your viewer. First of all, use a white background with black font for a crisp, clean look. Then, design a catchy and colorful logo to enhance the WOW appearance. After, list your important blog posts on the Home page with Excerpts and Read Mores. Thus, drawing more attention to your “featured” posts.

2. Use Email Pop-ups:

Importantly, set an Email Pop-Up on your Home page 5 seconds after a visitor logs on.— And, when someone is about to log off. Also, attach it to an Email Campaign. Then, use an Autoresponder such as GetResponse and hook up an optin on an attractive Landing Page.

3. Clear and Understandable Communication:

Truthfully, it is fairly easy to write topics that will help and interest your site visitors. So, make sure you speak free and easy, as if they were sitting face-to-face with you. And, talk like you would to your closest friends. Furthermore, relate in such a manner of expertise and informative judgement. Also, make sure you use language and terminology that is understandable to everyone!

4. Ask Questions in Your Posts:

Most definitely, asking questions will help to bring your visitor into the conversation. Then, center your text around the questions you ask. For instance, talk around the questions and answer them eventually. After all, they are looking for answers to their life challenges.

5. Take Precise Notes When Writing:

Most assuredly, as you are writing great content, make sure you do the research through Google or other informational resources. Yes, write down subjects of interest and anything relating to help you further your subject topic. Consequently, this practice will allow you to venture further and expand into several different possibilities of related content. As well as, spike new conversational insight.

6. Respond to Comments Quickly and Concisely:

Most importantly, part of having a successful website is treating your visitors with compassion and heart. Therefore, when anyone leaves a comment, you will be notified, so that you can respond in a timely manner. Of course, check your notifications daily, or even several times a day. In addition, when answering, talk to them as if they were family. However, if you don’t know the answer to their question, do some research so that you can satisfy their inquiry.

7. Always Be Courteous:

Remember, you want to give your readers a sense of belonging. So, in order to do that, you must be courteous with the guidance you are giving them through your posts and comments. Therefore, always speak in a cordial manner and according to how you, personally, would like to be addressed. Yes, “Reap what you sow!”

8. Provide Regular Updates to Your Website:

Remember, be in a constant state of changing up your website a bit, so that repeat customers will get a new experience each time they visit! Incidentally, this means to add new daily or weekly posts with new information and savvy insight. Most definitely, adding new offers and clickable content will enhance your traffic. Plus, it will increase your bounce rate—and, of course your conversions!

9. Always Offer to Help in Any Way You Can:

Needless to say, this is a MUST in business! Yes, offering to ease a client’s conscience with bold solutions to their questions “seals the deal” with trust. Furthermore, forming and developing trust with each visit will make all the difference in your traffic and conversion rate. Not to mention, strengthening the relationship you have with your viewer!

10. Automate and Provide Resources:

Predominantly, make sure that in order to get repeat customers, that you have clickable automation set up within your site. So, this includes a Landing Page and Email Campaign set up through an Autoresponder like GetResponse. Incidentally, this will help you develop a customer base with emails. So, you will be able to contact them over and over again when new offers arise.

11. Fulfill Your Promise to Your Customer:

Also, when making a promise to your visitors through content or replies, make sure you are there for them. Especially, when they need help! For instance, if they sign up to one of your promotions, follow up once they get on that particular platform. Or, if they are making a purchase through one of your affiliate links, make sure you follow up with them in the comments section. Thus, knowing they are satisfied will produce peace of mind, both for you and for your customer!

Furthermore, establishing Trust.

how to create a business website for free
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Next, find out how to create a business website for free!


Importantly, if you have any questions about the above, you can read about these topics and more in my MMO Guide: “ENOUGH! 2021 Ultimate MMO Guide (for Money Seekers).” So, when you get my Guide, you will also get my Online Training Course.

Plus, my FREE 7-Day Email series. Thankfully, you can click one of these links to get them all!

In my Free Guide, Online Training Book and email series, you will learn how to create a business website for free. Plus, you will get 2 Free websites to begin with!

Absolutely, these resources will elaborate on the content already shared in this post. As well as, walk you through how to create a business website for free. Plus, I will be there with you through the whole process and afterwards, too!

So, step into the Online world of entrepreneurs with this great Series. And, learn a vast amount of knowledge. Truly, you have the distinct capability to thrive online! So, let me show you how!

how to create a business website for free

See you inside!

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