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HEN Affiliates
HEN Affiliates
I began designing websites for all kinds and sizes of companies back in 1990 as a Side Hustle. Yes, that is over 25 years ago! And, I began it on a platform that was earning all the Monthly Hosting fees from my clients, as well as $60 a month from my webcenter payments and website!
Then, a couple years ago, I found a platform, purely by accident, and joined as a free member. I quickly upgraded, paying less than I did on my old platform.
And, the rest is history!
This isn’t just any platform, though. It is an Affiliate Marketing company, where there are almost 2 million entrepreneurs building websites and creating amazing Online Businesses!
Are you “moonlighting” aside from your current 9 to 5 J-O-B, trying new and various opportunities?—in order to pursue your true PASSION? And, you think that maybe, just maybe, you will find that rare gem that will allow you to earn extra income.
I did the same thing! I searched and searched, and kept running into SCAMS and dead ends. I had a certain criteria that I was looking for in an Online Business:
I wanted to have a place to design and create websites to my heart’s content–and earn on the Monthly Hosting.
It had to have great tools and resources.
I wanted a place where I could extend my learning capabilities.
Being user friendly was a MUST.
It would be great to do my own SEO!
I wanted to build a high-converting business that I enjoyed!
Start Now and Get 2 FREE Websites, Awesome Training & More–HURRY While This Offer Lasts!
I did endless research and scouted all around the internet looking for that perfect place! However, it seemed to not exist. Discouraged, I kept up my do-dilligence for several months. Then, when my mind got the best of me, I slowed down my search until I thought it was no use.
It’s funny how, when you aren’t looking for something, you stumble upon it! Like when you are diligently searching for that lost article in your home and can’t find it anywhere. Then, when you stop looking for it—THERE IT IS!
Well, the same thing happened to me in regard to my search. I stumbled, totally by accident, onto someone’s website (similar to mine here) and was so intrigued by all the precise and interesting information I was reading! Here’s some of what I found out.
Joining for FREE with a Starter Membership was a no-brainer to me. I could join for Free for as long as I wanted, never upgrading. However, I soon found out after I was in the doors, that if I stayed a Starter Member, I would be restricted to the basics of the business.
Upgrading to what they call a Premium Membership in the first week would cost me only $19 the first month and $49 thereafter.
Well, I thought, This is cheaper than my old webcenter! Plus, I found out that I would get 50 free websites to do with what I ever I wanted!! Can you even imagine, and all for just 49 bucks a month!
Here’s what they offer to Premiums: (It’s a pretty big list, so bear with me!)
25 websites with a FREE SiteRubix domain / 25 websites with your own domain
Certification Course: 5 Phases w/10 Lessons in each Phase
Affiliate Bootcamp: 7 Phases w/10 Lessons in each Phase
Weekly LIVE interactive Video Classes w/replays
Thousands of Community Tutorials
Opportunity for earnings: Writing/Videotaping your own tutorials for the WA community
A Create-your-own-Blog system
Access to 3000+ FREE WordPress site templates
50,000+ FREE WordPress Plugins
Domain Registry
Site Speed Technology with powerful servers
Highly Secured Website Protection/Umbrella Safety
Site Health Analysis
Site Comments/Feedback options
Advanced Site Training Modules/Development Training
FREE SSL Certificates for Domain Name Ownership
Site Technical Support 24/7
Malware/Virus Protection
Quality Content Building Tools
Grammar/Plagiarism Tools
Over One Million FREE Graphics
Template Tools
Helpful Community of over One Million Entrepreneurs
One-On-One access to the Wealthy Affiliate Leaders/Founders
Ambassador Program for Advancement
Questions/Answers Archives
Live Chat Support
1.9 Million Registered Entrepreneur Members
Unlimited Means for a Thriving, Successful Business!
Well, being as settled in as I am, I’ve made several accomplishments.
I re-designed and transferred all my client websites over to my new platform, making $250 a pop (I charged less than I normally do, since I re-designed them and it entailed less work). I have charged anywhere from $250 – $10,000 a website!
Plus, I receive $50 Monthly Hosting for each. (This isn’t pigeon feed!)
I created 6 website businesses of my own, promoting Wealthy Affiliate and other platforms.
I became an Ambassador (top 25 helpers/creators in the company) after my first year, and have been for 329 days to date. 150 of those days I was ranked at #4!
No, absolutely not! This is my full-time fun job, aside from my being a children’s author.
I would say that I have definitely made great work choices. However, I don’t like to call either of my “jobs”–work, as they give me so much pleasure!
If you do what you love, and love what you do, isn’t that what life’s all about?
So, my whole web design Side Hustle began back with my old webcenter as a way to earn an extra income. Even way back then, the income was great! However, with the potential of Wealthy Affiliate and the SiteRubix Web Platform, my earning capabilities have sky-rocketed!
No more Side Hustling for me!
It’s on to bigger and better things! Now, I use more tools, plugins, SEO (which I had no control over before), and endless professional training courses, not to mention the amazing community family!
Making your Side Hustle your permanent job is something to shoot for.
This is the perfect opportunity to get involved—and at the precise time! It takes some time to build, but once it is bringing in referrals, traffic and conversions–you’re golden!
No, don’t worry—I wouldn’t tell you all this, and the leave you in the dust! From all the knowledge that I’ve acquired over the past couple years, (and being the author that I am), I’ve written a Make Money Online Guide with all you’ll need to know to GET STARTED. You’ll also get my Online Training Course and a 6-day email series.
This MMO Guide will direct you on all the ins and outs of your Online Business, and what you will need to know to begin with, and to set in place your future goals!
With Wealthy Affiliate, I now have a network of entrepreneurs reaching the same goals and heights, as we encourage and pat each other on the back!
Just say that you would like to create a Side Hustle designing websites for people. Say that you’ve got several clients lined up, you’re booked with web work for the next couple months, referrals are progressing and your conversion rate is booming. Wouldn’t you agree that this so-called Side Hustle is becoming your full-time (fun) job?
Or, just say that you start your own niche website (you’ll learn more about this in my Guide). You want to promote the things you have a passion for selling. It becomes more and more active with traffic and conversions. Then, maybe you’d like to do it full-time, taking over your other job.
I’ll tell you, I love working at home or even when I travel. There are no traffic jams or people always telling you what to do all the time. You only answer to YOURSELF!
But, for now, a Side Hustle is more than fine for you!
Life is all about important choices we make. All I can say is—there’s no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason!
Think about it, would you?!
Most people at Wealthy Affiliate build one or more businesses of different interests and SELL PRODUCTS on them! They sign up with all kinds of affiliates similar to their niches. This is so much FUN!
You can even be an affiliate for APPLE and sell their products! Or, AMAZON is another great place to join as an affiliate!
Think about working for yourself and being your own boss!
I will let you dwell on that idea for awhile!
Make a conscious decision to move ahead into the Online Business World and become part of a growing family of entrepreneurs. Help people with their issues and challenges with a niche website.
“My thing is to help others make money by promoting and marketing multiple streams of income for budding entrepreneurs! Won’t you come along on the journey?”
Keep this in mind while you’re deciding whether to do this or not—
No one can hire you, purchase from you, learn from you or refer business to you, IF THEY DON’T KNOW YOU EXIST! Taking that into consideration, forming a network of individuals on a platform like Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect nudge you will need to gain help and experience on a platform and community such as this. Building bonds and friendships is a HUGE EXTRA PLUS!
“You can learn a great deal here and get to know YOURSELF better–by learning what you’re capable of!”
With that said, see you inside!
Erin :)!
Please share your valuable thoughts in the comments below. They will add much value to my post!