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True, we have all heard of determining in what circumstances to use “if” or “when” in regards to grammar. So, in conditional statements, they can be interchangeable. However, in certain cases, using “when” instead of “if” will almost always result in being idiomatically incorrect. For example, in English, when speaking about something being idiomatic, it means that it sounds natural.
Well, although it may sound natural, it’s downright a “force of habit,” to also use “if” rather than “when” in talking about anything in life.
Interestingly, today, I would like to discuss with you the “If vs. When” in regard to speaking unknowingly about certain circumstances in LIFE. So, let’s stem off of grammar and into your future, where your purpose lies!
If vs. When
The common garb when speaking specifically about a subject, usually stems around the negative. For instance, it focuses on “maybe” or “perhaps, instead of “definitely” or “of course,” leaving questions to chance.
Okay, how many times do people say things like, “If I make money, I will be able to…” or “If I achieve my goals, I will be able to….”. So, what if people would only use “when” instead? Then, they would attract a more positive outlook. “When I make money, I will be able to…” or “When I achieve my goals, I will be able to….” See how much better it sounds? So, speaking as if they have already accomplished it, sets the tone for greater things to come! Using “when” in place of all your “ifs” will get you to the next level of success! You will be putting forth a positive entity which will take root in your subconscious!
Also, going a step further can create a wealth of positivity! Time and time again, people use negative words to emphasize a statement. Yes, they will use negative words in all their sentences, like the words; never, no, couldn’t, won’t, doesn’t, isn’t, don’t, impossible, sorry, not, and any words beginning with the prefix “un.” Just speaking those words leaves a bad feeling inside! I think the word I hear most is “can’t.” UGH! “I can’t do this,” or “I can’t do that!”
Listen to yourself next time you are having a conversation with someone. Are you talking in the negative or the positive? Chances are you may be trying to speak using positive words. However, the negative ones always surface. So, what everyone needs to do is GET IN THE HABIT OF SPEAKING IN THE POSITIVE!
In fact, you will be super-surprised at how it sounds to use positive, more appealing words in your vocabulary! —Words like; can, yes, always, could, will, do, is, does, possible, and please forgive me (instead of sorry). Also, by taking off the prefix “un” in all circumstances, will make for a much more pleasant conversation! What you speak puts forth light on all that you do. In talking negatively about something, someone, or even yourself, you are attracting all that junk you are saying into your life, and into the lives of others! So, back up! Think what comes out of your mouth! God created us with two ears and only one mouth for a reason!
Okay, in the first paragraph below, I wrote in the negative. Let me know if, when reading the negative words, it will make you want to read further.
Then, in the second paragraph below, I wrote in the positive, using the same subject. Again, let me know if, when reading the positive words, it will make you want to read further.
This will, I’m sure, prove my point perfectly!
It is never easy in life to accomplish something that you couldn’t do before. You won’t get anywhere if you don’t try. Things may seem impossible right now, but, that doesn’t matter. Don’t be sorry for past failures, focusing on what you can’t do. Instead, boldly take a step forward into the unknown and try.
It is always a joy to accomplish everything in life, when beginning fresh and new! You will advance to new heights when you try. All things will be possible and everything will matter to you! Be happy to learn from the past, and focus on what you can do. Boldly take a step into your bright future, and put your best foot forward!
See what I mean?!!
Also, look at the use of “if” vs. “when.” They are both underlined.
So, put a unique and positive flair into your posts when writing, and also when you talk! Life is too short to be hung up on the negative! Instead, make a change for the positive!
Well, if you would like to get ahead in your business and in life, you need to start having the mindset for advancement. Not only speaking positive words will help, but also having positives THOUGHTS! Yes, thinking patterns of your mind have a huge impact on the direction your life will go! If you are always bumming around feeling sorry for yourself because of how your life has turned out, or always think that nothing good ever happens to you, then, your life will remain dormant in that way of thinking.
Instead, you need to turn it around and tell yourself that “I can do it!” “Things are changing for the better!” “I am finding favor in all I do!” “My life is incredible!” Feed yourself all kinds of peppy phrases that will propel in the direction of success and pure happiness! When you speak like this, your health will improve, your business will flourish, your mood will improve and your life will shine!
Yes, this is very true! When writing content for your blog, chances are that you speak in the negative in the first paragraph, only to prove a point. For instance, when writing about how glum things may be now for your reader, or where you were before you found a certain company, it’s okay to dramatize a bit.
However, by the second or third paragraph, you will want to turn those negative words into positive ones and explode your content into a sea of happy and elated thoughts! And, yes, use lots of exclamation marks to drive your point home!!!!!
Plus, using positive images make a huge difference in the tone of your blog! Look at the ones I’ve used in this post.
Do You Manifest Your Vision? In other words, are you revealing to your visitor, a clear and concise picture of what you are saying? When you speak and portray a visionary description, chances are that they will read it in it’s entirety! Visionary words are powerful and will lead to great results! READ MORE ABOUT VISION —>
Do Your Words Envélop Trust? Envéloping trust sets your content above the rest! Just like with your loved ones, having trust always makes for a strong relationship. And, the same is true with words. Words and content have a great deal to do with forming trust with your reader or subscriber. Speaking trust into your posts and conversations will always win over anything else! READ MORE ABOUT TRUST —>
Work With the Determination of an Athlete Getting back to mindset, how one thinks goes hand-in-hand with strong determination. Like an athlete playing in The Masters, the Superbowl, the World Series, or even in the NBA championship, a positive mindset is mastered in all cases! Yes, when having that “winning” factor mentality, everything goes in an upward direction! READ MORE ABOUT DETERMINATION —>
Being an Illustrious Person Whether talking, writing or how you’re acting or treating someone, if you are doing it with kindness and heart, this makes you an illustrious person of deep integrity! So, this means you are confident and determined, only thinking positively and allowing your brain to trigger all good things! It will most definitely have a positive impact on those around you! READ MORE ABOUT ILLUSTRIOUS —>
Someday is Now Yes, there is no time like the present to put your foot to the metal and advance into new and exciting areas of your life! Why wait till tomorrow, what you can accomplish today!? After all, tomorrow is not guaranteed. So, you must organize your efforts right now! Living in the now will have a dramatic impact on how your life plays out. READ MORE ABOUT NOW —>
Living Up to Your Fullest Potential In essence, learning and growing every day will help us live up to our fullest potential! As we write post after post, we learn and grow with each sentence we jot down. Writing positive content will, again, contribute greatly to the affect it will have on our readers. We must be the BEST that we can be! READ MORE ABOUT POTENTIAL —>
Sitting on Top of the World Capture your moment, take hold of it, and excel! Life is a gift that is meant to be explored, nurtured and treasured. It’s a brand new day! Live a life of ease, treasure your surroundings, speak with a positive flair, treat others as you want to be treated, develop a strong and effortless mindset, and go out and conquer your success! Become a master in your field. READ MORE ABOUT WORLD —>
Use WHEN to plant your seeds of accomplishment and success! Yes, you CAN and you WILL!
Thanks for reading my positive post. I trust you found it enlightening!
I would love to chat with you in the comments below. Please leave me any feedback, stories and thoughts. They add great value and enhance my blog!
H. Erin Nelson, HEN Affiliates
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